How to Get Weapons Over Again Zelda Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Jiff of the Wild is an immense game, and it's easy to miss out on details big and small. We've gathered the best tips and tricks for Things Your Should Know in Breath of the Wild.

Mastering Combat and Weapons


  • All weapons - bated from the Principal Sword - break in Breath of the Wild, but early game ones break even faster. Selection your battles carefully and know when to stand and fight and when information technology'due south better to save your weapons and run.
  • Some enemy camps leave their weapons unguarded. Enemies also leave their weapons lying around at night while they sleep - letting you lot sneak upward and take them if you're stealthy.
  • Even though every weapon breaks somewhen - or runs out of energy and must recharge, in the instance of the Master Sword - some weapons after in the game have much higher durability.
  • Five weapons can be "repaired" if broken or lost. Four of these are the Champions' weapons - Revali's Nifty Eagle Bow, Urbosa'due south Scimitar of the Seven, Daruk'south Boulder Breaker and Mipha's Lightscale Trident. You'll just get these in the first identify after completing the Divine Beast associated with each Champion. The fifth is the Ceremonial Trident.
  • To forge new Champion weapons, speak to Harth in Rito Hamlet, Buliara in Gerudo Town, Rohan in Goron Metropolis or Dento in Zora's Domain. For each y'all'll demand a base weapon, 5 pieces of flint and a diamond... so they're a little pricey. The Ceremonial Trident can as well exist reforged past Dento in Zora's Domain.
  • Some weapons tin can also be purchased or crafted. If your Hylian Shield breaks, for instance, you can purchase another one from Granté in Tarrey Boondocks (he's on i of the balconies). Yous can also visit the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab and utilise rupees and materials to craft Ancient gear, including weapons like the Ancient Bladesaw and Ancient Bow.
  • Whenever possible, continue a variety of weapons on hand, every bit many can serve specific purposes. A spear may non do much harm, for instance, but tin can be useful for keeping an enemy at a altitude, while an Iron Sledgehammer is ideal for breaking ores. A Korok Leafage, meanwhile, creates a gust that can blow enemies off cliffs. The upside of the fact that weapons suspension in Jiff of the Wild is that you lot're forced to try a wide assortment of them, and this ways you may detect their hidden strengths.
  • Dodging at the right time prompts a devastating flurry attack, which can be the perfect way to whittle downwards the wellness of a strong opponent. That said, flurry attacks can apace wear downward a weapon's durability, particularly early on when they're more breakable, and then be sure you aren't wasting them.
  • Out of weapons? Y'all tin always find more in towns, stables, and villages. The biggest towns (such as Zora's Domain) oftentimes have practiced weapons hiding about, while smaller places like stables will at least have a pitchfork or 2 that can work if you have naught else. These weapons will too respawn over time. You tin can quickly go a sense of whether there are any weapons in an expanse by scanning it with Magnesis. You lot should also do this whatever fourth dimension you encounter water to reveal metallic treasure chests that can be pulled up onto land.
  • Headshots with a bow will deal critical harm. You'll hear a "ding" sound when you lot land one.
  • When jumping off high ledges, from a horse, or when paragliding, you can pull out your bow to irksome fourth dimension and aim your shots. This will constantly drain your stamina so be sure to put your bow away when you are done firing or risk falling to the ground with no stamina.
  • Out of Fire Arrows? Simply use fire past pointing your drawn bow into an open up flame. Using regular arrows in places of farthermost oestrus like Death Mountain will automatically lite them for you! (Just don't endeavor and use a Bomb Arrow - information technology will instantly explode.)
  • You tin notice flammable barrels by looking for red barrels in camps. Nonetheless, a regular pointer tin can't detonate them - try using Remote Bombs or a Burn down Arrow to become the job washed.
  • Electric attacks will cause the target to become paralyzed and drop currently equipped weapons and shields. This goes for both Link and his enemies. Metal conducts electricity, so you can shoot metal crates or a body of water with an Electric Arrow to create a dome of electricity that tin can hitting multiple enemies.
  • Y'all can sneak up on an unaware enemy and use a sneakstrike to deal critical impairment. This is an ideal technique for sleeping enemies, simply can besides piece of work on awake enemies if you crouch and approach from behind. (Stealth-enhancing food or dress also obviously assist.)
  • When an enemy or detail is in stasis, it is immune to bonus effects from electric, water ice, or fire weapons/arrows. This means that enemies won't get paralyzed, frozen, or prepare on fire when frozen in time.

A Rune for Every Occasion

Remote Bombs

  • Remote Bombs aren't just for exploding rocks - they can be used in a pinch to bargain minimal damage if all of your other weapons are broken, or if you just don't want to use weapons.
  • Remote Bombs are lighter than they announced, and tin can be manipulated past gusts of wind to increase the altitude thrown.
  • You can use Remote Bombs to knock over and destroy trees for wood.
  • Toss a Remote Flop into water near fish and detonate information technology. The fish will rise to the top (and sometimes wing out onto country) making them easier to collect.
  • Drop an Octorok Airship onto a placed Remote Bomb to automatically necktie information technology and transport it floating away - and guide it through the air with a Korok Foliage.
  • Remote Bombs are highly useful when fighting Pebblits and Talus.  Pebblits are killed instantly. With Talus, bombs tin be used to blow off limbs if aimed correctly, and doing so will often knock the Talus to the footing.
  • Remote Bombs tin likewise be used to nail Link across Hyrule as if shot from a cannon. Bank check out our Bomb Impact Launch video to learn how.


  • Magnesis can be used to swing makeshift metal objects through the air as a weapon - even metal weapon lying on the ground.
  • You tin utilise Magnesis to drop dented metal crates from loftier in the air to break them and gather the contents inside.
  • Magnesis will reveal any metal objects nearby, and so can make finding metal treasure chests and weapons in an area a snap.


  • Cryonis tin be used on waterfalls to create building blocks to allow you climb direct upwards a waterfall.
  • You can avoid swimming beyond large rivers or bodies of water past using Cryonis to create a cord of platforms.
  • Pond under a Cryonis iceblock breaks it.
  • Cryonis blocks are vulnerable to explosions.
  • You can only take iii active Cryonis Blocks at a time, and so if you lot have 3 and create a new one, the oldest block will spontaneously break. They as well physically intermission if you get besides far from them.
  • Cryonis blocks tin be used to launch Guardian Stalkers (and other things) loftier into the heaven. This is washed by creating a cake under a Stalker then inbound bullet time as information technology rises up. Run into it in activeness in our 6 Reasons Breath of the Wild is Still Riveting in 2022 video below.


  • Stasis will cause an object to store energy the more you hitting it, and volition rocket off when Stasis expires. Use it on big objects to move them speedily - or on explosive barrels to have them detonate on affect.
  • Stasis+, when used on enemies, will allow y'all to chain attacks onto them, which will all take issue when Stasis+ expires. Withal, bonus effects such as catching on fire, beingness frozen, or paralyzed will not be applied.
  • You cannot utilize Magnesis on Stasis frozen objects.
  • Stasis can be used to keep a button pressed down.
  • Stasis tin be used to spot items and treasure chests. A great fashion to utilise it is to scan forests or areas with trees so that valuable items like Hearty Radishes, Hearty Truffles and Endura Carrots are easy to observe.
  • In one case you lot have Stasis+ you tin can and so too spot - and freeze - enemies.

Food, Cooking, and You

  • Most whatsoever ingredient you find can exist stewed in a cooking pot to increase the corporeality of hearts information technology gives, and sometimes brings out special effects. These ingredients can too exist cooked on an open up flame to slightly increase heart restoration, but no furnishings will exist added.
  • Some nutrient can even be flash frozen in snowy landscapes for added benefits.
  • Any meal you cook that gives a special result cannot be combined with another meal or potion's result. The most recent nutrient or potion will overwrite whatsoever previous furnishings - merely they can stack with clothing effects.
  • This likewise ways you can't stack bonus hearts or stamina, only the meal that provides the nigh hearts or stamina will stay in event.
  • For the nearly function, plants are always used in cooking food.
  • Insects are always used with monster parts to create potions. Trying to mix the incorrect ingredients will leave you with dubious nutrient or downright disasters.
  • For the better effect, add more than of the ingredient that provides the special issue. For longer lasting potions, add together improve quality monster parts.
  • Y'all'll often discover that multiple ingredients offer the same benefits, and can exist combined in a dish to bolster that issue.
  • Trying to cook a dish with more than one special effects volition abolish each other out, and leave you with simply eye restoration nutrient.
  • You lot tin notice some hints for food recipes on posters in towns and stables.
  • Chuchu Jelly is very reactive. Exposing it to certain elements will change its elemental properties.


Getting Effectually in Style

  • In case you missed it - Shield Surfing is a affair! Agree out your shield by belongings ZL and while jumping, tap the A button to first sliding.
  • Shield Surfing volition steadily habiliment out the durability of the shield you're using. If it breaks, be prepared to take a fall.
  • You can Shield Surf into a paraglide by jumping off a high enough point to press the bound button again. Your shield will notwithstanding be on your feet when you lot state over again.
  • Yous tin can assail while shield surfing - tap Y to practice a spin attack at shut range, or ready your bow - though aiming can exist difficult.
  • Information technology takes some practice, but one of the virtually fun ways to get around is the Bomb Impact Launch, where you lot drib both remote bombs in slow motion and then detonate one to catapult the other into Link, sending him flying. Check out our guide here.
  • You lot can mount deer! That's right, you tin ride both does and bucks in the game. They are far more than difficult to sneak upwards on than horses and volition run when they encounter y'all, so stealthy clothes and/or stealth elixers are the all-time way to have one for a spin.
  • You can also mountain bears, Stalhorses (skeletal undead horses), The Lord of the Mountain (the ethereal brute plant at the top of Satori Mount) and Lynels, admitting just briefly.
  • Your paraglider can be largely afflicted by gusts of current of air.
  • Updrafts can exist created wherever there'south a big enough fire. You can also make your ain by setting grass on fire, combining campfires or tossing some peppers on the footing and shooting them with a Fire Arrow.
  • If you're about to run out of stamina while gliding, hit the cancel right before you lot fully run out, and and then press bound right earlier you hit the basis to avert taking autumn impairment.
  • If yous've totally run out of stamina and are falling to your death - recollect that you can bank check the map to warp out of danger at any point - so long as you lot accept somewhere to warp to.
  • All shrines will offer a fast travel bespeak when offset activated - even if you don't venture inside to solve the trials.
  • Whistle sprinting allows you to run without using up stamina. Check out our guide below.

Surviving and Thriving with the Elements

  • When inbound regions of farthermost temperatures, you lot can sometimes find plants and ingredients on the edges of these region that can exist used to brand protective elixirs or food.
  • Cold ingredients establish in cold regions are ordinarily adept to protect yourself in hot regions, and vice-versa.
  • Farthermost weather condition conditions make for farthermost danger. *Thunderstorms volition cause massive lightning bolts to rip into the basis, and the intense heat from Death Mountain will literally light you on burn down.
  • Lightning from thunderstorms is attracted by metal objects - no affair who is wearing them. Be certain to switch to wooden weapons and armor unless you want to be lightning rod. This works both means - and can be used confronting your enemies.
  • You lot tin can employ the Magnesis Rune to gear up upwards lightning strikes by moving metal objects or weapons shut to your target.
  • Areas of extreme heat around Death Mountain will light your wooden weapons on burn whether you lot have protective potions or not. Switch to Metal or Guardian tech to avoid losing your items.
  • In extremely hot regions, simply dropping ingredients on the footing will cook them in a flash - or burn them up.
  • Areas of extreme temperatures can besides effect your arrows - like turning regular arrows into burn down arrows. Just exist mindful of the environs when pulling out bomb arrows - yous don't want them to explode from heat or get doused in the rain!
  • If you're in a unsafe area at night or only want to hang out past a campfire, you can make your ain. Concord one flint and one packet of wood, set them downwards, and strike them with a metal weapon to ignite the flint and create a campfire.
  • The best way to survive the elements is to wear appropriate armor and upgrade them at the Great Fairy Fountains.

The World At Big

  • Y'all won't find Pieces of Centre in the earth anymore. Instead, claim Spirit Orbs past completing the trials in Shrines, and you can trade in iv Spirit Orbs to a Goddess Statue located at the Temple of Fourth dimension or any main town to get a Heart Container or extra Stamina Vessel.
  • In that location's no option to shop equipment in chests - merely a friendly Korok named Hestu will expand your weapon, shield, and bow inventory slots in substitution for Korok Seeds. You'll notice Koroks hiding all over Hyrule, so be certain to investigate odd out of place things in the world. You can also mount weapons, shields, and bows on walls if y'all purchase a firm - but only 3 of each.
  • Many larger quests - including the main questline - can be undertaken in a very nonlinear way. Explore, have different approaches, and try new things.
  • Yes, you can attempt to travel to Hyrule Castle and fight Ganon after getting off the Dandy Plateau. No, we don't recommend information technology.
  • Certain Side Quests will open up only after specific dungeons have been cleared, and the area is made safer.
  • Treasure Chests can exist plant almost anywhere - though many are hidden or otherwise involve a fleck of thinking to uncover or go to.
  • Different wild horses have different stats - frequently the ones roaming more dangerous regions are likely to accept better stamina, speed, and handling.
  • Almost everything you find serves more than one purpose. This goes peculiarly for ingredients that include aboriginal parts, monster parts and ore - and so don't sell every last one!
  • Later several in-game days, yous'll encounter a Blood Moon rise. When this happens, all enemies you've defeated outside of dungeons volition come back to life. Make certain you're in a safety identify when the Claret Moon hits!
  • Claret Moons practise more than simply ressurrect enemies. Try cooking during a Blood Moon, and your nutrient will have random added furnishings!
  • Some environments like deep snow or deserts volition hamper your motion speed. However, in that location are special boots you can find to negate this...

Know Your Enemy

  • The color of an enemy often denotes how powerful they are. Red Bokoblins and Moblins are amid the weakest, while their black variants are among the toughest. Even tougher than blackness are the silverish variants, which ofttimes drib gemstones when defeated..
  • Whatever enemy can wield almost any weapon - pay close attention to what your enemy bears confronting you lot.
  • The tougher the monster, the more monster parts they'll driblet, and the better issue they'll have making elixirs.
  • Elemental variants of monsters are often weak to the opposite element. Shoot water ice-infused enemies with fire arrows to take them out in one shot.
  • Electric Lizalfos have a lightning-infused horn that can be shot for explosive issue.
  • Moblins can get pretty aggressive, and even throw bottom Bokoblins at you.
  • Many enemies volition fall asleep at night - both at camp and in the wild. However, sentries posted on towers rarely nap.
  • When it rains, it will exist harder for enemies to hear your footsteps, making sneaking easier.
  • As y'all defeat Divine Beasts, stronger enemies will start spawning.  This includes, but is non express to: Talus with weakpoints on their backs instead of their heads and stronger variants of Bokoblins/Moblins/Lizalfos which drop gems when defeated.

People and Places

  • You tin can find travelers wandering the main roads of Hyrule. Be certain to stop by and see what they have to say - as many sell useful items or give Side Quests.
  • However, some travelers - those with no names, may exist secret Yiga Clan assassins in disguise!
  • If you come across a traveler in trouble, be sure to render aid every bit soon every bit possible. If you save them quick plenty, they'll requite you lot a random nutrient detail or elixir as thanks. If they are knocked out, they won't exist as happy to run into y'all.
  • Certain characters will reappear at several locations and may offer different assistance or wisdom depending where you meet them.
  • Principal towns will always accept an Inn, a General Store, a Cooking Station, and a Goddess Statue that y'all can use to exchange Spirit Orbs for Center Containers or Stamina Vessels.
  • Both Stables and Towns will have places to sleep with a choice of beds. Comfy beds in Stables will give you a temporary eye, while the deluxe beds in towns will oftentimes grant even better bonuses like a full additional stamina bike.
  • Check out towns before and after helping them with their Divine Beast problems - often times new quests will arise after bigger problems have been resolved.
  • Virtually people in town go to bed at nighttime, though some shops stay open - and other things tin can change too.
  • Well-nigh towns have containers similar pots and jars. Similar any Zelda game, they sometimes contain items - so become to cracking!
  • Y'all'll accept the ability to dye your armor at a sure town - exist certain to equip just what yous want to dye, fifty-fifty if its just a lid or pants!

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