Stardew Valley is a game packed full of things to do. Even when you aren't in the mood for farming, you can rest assured that there are plenty of neat little quests to partake in. This is very true in Winter, a season that is known throughout the farming sim universe as one of the most challenging.

Winter is a great time for exploring the local mines, building friendships, and checking in to all those little quests you've wanted to do. Winter is also the season when secret notes will start to appear, each note comes with valuable information about the town, and some even lead to a treasure.

Updated June 1, 2022, by Gabrielle Huston : Even if you've been playing Stardew Valley for a long time, did you know that there might be secrets even you had yet to discover? We've expanded on each secret note to detail what it says and how to solve it.

What Are Secret Notes?

the player views a secret note

Secret Notes are hidden messages that can be found around the world of Stardew Valley.

There are 25 Secret Notes in total, each that contain important information relating to the game. Each note will be numbered, and you can get them in any order.

Sadly, Secret Notes won't be available until you experience your first in-game Winter and receive the magnifying glass from the mysterious shadow figure.

How Do You Get Secret Notes?

Activating Secret Notes

Krobus stands in the Bus Stop Area looking surprised

As soon as Winter arrives, go to the Bus Stop between 6 am to 4 pm to see a cut scene involving a Shadow Person.

You'll receive the quest "A Winter Mystery." To complete it, go into town after him and follow the footsteps to the bush he's hiding in. Shake the bush to get him to pop out and give you the magnifying glass; this item unlocks the ability to find secret notes.

Activities With A Chance Of Providing A Secret Note

player fishing from desert pond

You can now find secret notes by doing the following activities:

Activity Odds Of Getting A Secret Note
Fishing 8%
Cutting Weeds 0.9%
Killing Monsters 3.3%
Busting Stones 0.75%
Chopping Down Trees (odds are for each axe hit) 0.5%
Harvesting Giant Crops 80%
Digging Up Artifact Spots 11% (only checks for a Secret Note if you don't receive a winter forage item or an artifact)
Breaking Lage Stumps, Large Logs, Meteorites, or Boulders 5%

When you get a secret note, it will be added to the new note sections of your player collection menu. You can go here to read notes as many times as you like, even after completing the quest associated with them.

Every Secret Note And Its Solution

Secret Note #1

Stardew Valley Split Image - Abigail (left - closeup of face) (right - textbox of character talking)

It's a page from Abigail's Diary

'Things I love: the smell of carved pumpkin, keeping an amethyst under my pillow, chocolate cake, the thrill of spicy eel, and the comfort of Mom's blackberry cobbler (I like to eat!)'

This note is detailing some of Abigail's 'Loved' gifts.

Secret Note #2

Stardew Valley Split Image - Sam (left - closeup of face) (right - textbox of character talking)

It's Sam's holiday shopping list

Everyone's favorites

Sebastian: Frozen Tear, Sashimi

Penny: Emerald, Poppy

Vincent: Grape, Cranberry Candy

Mom: Crispy Bass, Pancakes

Dad: Risotto, ROasted Hazelnuts

Me: Cactus, Maple Bar, Pizza

This note is detailing a bunch of people's 'Loved' gifts - they're exactly as Sam has listed them!

Secret Note #3

Stardew Valley Split Image - Leah (left - closeup of face) (right - textbox of character talking)

It's written in Leah's handwriting

My idea of a perfect dinner would be salad, goat cheese, truffle, and wine. For dessert I'd need a poppyseed muffin. Yum! If someone gave me one of those things, I'd melt.

Here, Leah lists some of her 'Loved' gifts, all of which are things that the player can produce on their farm.

Secret Note #4

Maru Information

It's a note of Maru's

Parts still needed for my greatest invention yet!

*Gold Bar

*Iridium Bar

*Battery Pack



Again, you get a list of an NPC's 'Loved' gifts. This time it's Maru's!

Secret Note #5

Stardew Valley - Penny 8 hearts event

It's Penny's handwriting:

I want to get everyone something they love!

Mom: Parsnip, Glazed Yams, NO BEER!

Jas: Fairy Rose, Plum Pudding

Vincent: Pink Cake, Grape

Mr. Mullner: Leek, Fried Mushroom

Granny Mullner: Beet, Tulip

Sweet, helpful Penny lists the 'Loved' gifts of several NPCs.

Mr. Mullner is George, Alex's grandfather, and Granny Mullner is his wife Evelyn. Penny's mom is Pam and she lists 'NO BEER!' because Penny is trying to help her curb her tendancy to drink, but it's actually one of Pam's 'Loved' gifts.

Secret Note #6

A player visits Gus in the Stardrop Saloon

Stardrop Saloon Special Orders

Mayor Lewis: Autumn's Bounty (Double order of high-fiber bread on the side)

Marnie: Pumpkin Pie (extra whipped cream!)

Demetrius: Bean Hotpot (Make it spicy)

Caroline: Fish Taco (she wants triple the sauce! Better throw in a few extra napkins...)

This note is probably written by Gus, who owns and operates the Stardrop Saloon, and it also lists the 'Loved' gifts of a few NPCs.

Secret Note #7Stardew Valley - Elliott 8 hearts event

It's a page from someone's diary...

...There are only a few 'older' bachelors in town, and none of them are perfect! Harvey is really anxious and weak, but I know he would make a loyal and devoted husband. He likes coffee and pickles.

Elliott is a bit foppish and melodramatic, but he does have a nice chin. He likes crab cakes and pomegranates.

Shane is messy and anti-social. But I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism, insulating his softness from the world. He likes Beer, Pizza, and Pepper Poppers.

This note serves not only to tell you about some NPCs loved gifts, but also informs you which are the "older" bachelors in Stardew Valley, and a little about their personalities.

Secret Note #8

Stardew Valley - Haley's 2 heart event - Options of what to say

To Haley and Emily

Hope you two are doing well! We've sent you your favorite gifts: Pink Cake and Sunflowers for Haley, Gemstones and Wool for Emily!

-Love Mom and Dad

This note is of consequence because it gives you insight into Haley and Emily's 'Loved' gifts, but it also provides one of the few occasions when we hear from or about the sisters' parents.

Secret Note #9

Stardew Valley Split Image - Alex (left - closeup of face) (right - textbox of character talking)

Alex's Strength Training Diet:

*Complete Breakfast

*Salmon Dinner

(I've learned to love this food... I can feel the protein!!)

Seemingly written by Alex, this note details a couple of cooked meals that are some of his 'Loved' gifts.

Secret Note #10

To receive this Secret Note, you must have completed the quest 'Qui's Challenge' by reaching level 25 in the Skull Cavern.

Someone is

waiting for you

on level 100



skull cavern...

You'll get the quest 'Cryptic Note' after you read this Secret Note, and it asks you to get to the 100th level of the Skull Cavern.

If you need help, we have an article detailing tips and tricks for accomplishing this tremendous feat.

Once you get there, Mr. Qi will give you Iridium Snake Milk to permanently increase your health by 25 points.

Secret Note #11

Stardew Valley Split Image - Marnie (left - closeup of face) (right - textbox of character talking)

[An aged photograph of a young Marnie and Jas on the farm with several animals]

There is no solution to this Secret Note - it's just a nice piece of world-building.

Secret Note #12

Stardew Valley Linus - image of characters face on left, character talking in game on right

I've found some good things by looking in the garbage cans, on lucky days.

Sometimes you'll find the 'dish of the day' behind the saloon... usually fresh!

For dessert, I'll check the Mullners' can for cookies.

For treasures, check the cans by the blacksmith and museum.

This note, probably written by Linus, clues you in to the fact that you can interact with the trash cans to loot items (and what you might find in each can). It should be noted, though, that if you do it while an NPC is nearby they will be disgusted and you will lose friendship points with them.

Linus also refers to luck, which tells you that if you loot the garbage on a high-luck day (check with the fortune-teller) you'll be more likely to find the items he's describing.

Secret Note #13

Stardew Valley - location of Junimo Plush

12 o' clock noon SHARP. Last day of the season. Check the bush above the playground.

Just follow the instructions! On any day 28, interact with the bush above the playground (tucked into a little nook in the cliff) to find a special decorative item: a Junimo Plush!

Secret Note #14

Stardew Valley - Community Centre with circle overtop marking the location of the Stone Junimo statue

I hid something behind the community center.

Go for a walk behind the Community Center. Walk along the back of the building towards the fence until you meet resistance. Then, use a pickaxe or a hoe and hit the item blocking your path - you'll obtain the Stone Junimo statue!

Secret Note #15

Stardew Valley Night Market - Correct Order To Hit The Clams At The Mermaid Show

Mermaid Show: 1-5-4-2-3

When the Night Market is happening in the Winter, go to the far boat to find a Mermaid giving a performance. After the Mermaid's show is finished, click on the shells in the order listed in the note (shown on the image above) and you'll receive a Pearl. This can only be done once for each farmer.

Secret Note #16

Stardew Valley - where to dig for Secret Note 16

[An image of a red X marked above some train tracks and next to a cliff.]

This note is directing you to dig up a Treasure Chest! The location you're looking for, which is depicted in the note, is next to a boulder north of the Railroad tracks and the Bathhouse.

Secret Note #17

Stardew Valley - where to dig for Secret Note 17

[An image of a red X marked next to a river, beside a cliff, and near a small bridge.]

By digging where this Secret Note tells you to, you'll receive a green Strange Doll (which can be donated to the Museum). The place you're looking for is easy to find; it's just north of JojaMart.

Secret Note #18

Stardew Valley - where to dig for Secret Note 18

[An image of a red X marked in a sandy place near a bench.]

To dig up this treasure (a yellow Strange Doll), you'll need to gain access to the Calico Desert by completing all the bundles in the Vault room of the Community Center. Then, you can dig in the marked spot in the far south of this area to find the Strange Doll!

Secret Note #19

Stardew Valley Solid Gold Lewis Statue

[An image of a blue house with a series of arrows below it.]

The blue house in the image is 1 Willow Lane (Jodi, Sam, Kent, and Vincent's home). You may have guessed that you need to start directly in front of the door to the house and follow the arrows - you'd be right!

You're not just moving one square in the provided direction, though. You need to go in that direction as far as you can until you hit an obstacle, like a bush, tree, bench, etc. This is the order:

  1. Left
  2. Up
  3. Right
  4. Up
  5. Right
  6. Down
  7. Left
  8. Down
  9. Left
  10. Down

When you get to the final destination (behind Mayor Lewis' house, you should just stand on the tile you've landed on and interact with (right-click on PC) the ground.

You'll be rewarded with a statue of Lewis made out of solid gold. It's pretty hilarious.

You can place it anywhere you want, but you can get a special extra secret if you put it somewhere in Pelican Town where a villager will not walk through it. The statue will be replaced with a Rotten Plant the next and you'll get a letter in the mail reading:

In the future, I'd appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see!

I'm very displeased!

Take this money and never speak of my 'project' to anyone.

The statue will still be around: after you get this letter it has a 90% chance of appearing in Lewis' bedroom and a 10% chance of appearing in Marnie's bedroom.

Secret Note #20

stardew valley special charm item

[An image of a patch of grey, with a red circle surrounding a green circle, and a series of arrows beneath.]

What you're looking at is actually Pelican Town's town square. The image is directing you to stand on the center square and follow the arrows to receive a reward.

Like in the previous Secret Note, you want to go in the direction of the arrow for as long as possible. Once the player hits an obstacle, like a tree, bush, or building, move in the direction of the next arrow. In this case, the directions are:

  1. Right
  2. Down
  3. Right
  4. Up
  5. Right
  6. Up
  7. Right
  8. Down
  9. Left
  10. Up
  11. Left
  12. Up
  13. Right
  14. Up
  15. Left
  16. Up
  17. Left

Following this path will lead you to a truck near JojaMart. Interacting with it will let you talk to the driver, who requests that you bring them a Rabbit's Foot. If you do, you'll get a Special Charm, permanently increasing your luck.

Secret Note #21

Stardew Valley - bush location for Secret Note 21

[An image of a hand-drawn map to a bush, with a clock and a moon.]

This map is leading you to a bush near the bridge in Pelican Town that leads to the beach. Interact with it at exactly 12:40 am (at night), and a surprised Marnie and Lewis will pop out! There's no physical reward - just sweet satisfaction.

Secret Note #22

player standing in bus tunnel at battery box

Greetings [Farmer]...

Have you found my 'secret' in the dark tunnel?

I look forward to meeting you!


This one is directing you to start the 'The Mysterious Qi' quest. The "secret in the dark tunnel" it refers to is in the tunnel out of town that you can get to by going from the bus (which you can take to the Calico Desert) and going west. If you interact with the wall in the center of the tunnel, you'll complete this Secret Note and start the tunnel.

To learn how to complete the entire 'The Mysterious Qi' quest, check out our comprehensive guide.

Secret Note #23

via: YouTube

If yoo can reed dis... come to seecrit wuds. Pleez bring may-pal serrup.

This Secret Note adds the 'Strange Note' quest once you read it.

To complete it, just follow the instructions in the note! Acquire some Maple Syrup and bring it to the Secret Woods (between 6 am and 7 pm). You'll have an interaction with a talking bear and be rewarded with its special knowledge of berries (meaning you can sell Blackberries and Salmonberries for three times as much).

Secret Note #24

Stardew Valley split image (Wizards Tower on left, Junimo Hut in centre, Junimos collecting pumpkins on right)

It's a page from M. Jasper's book:

...the creatures, known by some as "Forest Spirits" or "Junimos", are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they've "gone to seed".

As a general rule...when humans leave, and nature begins to reclaim her territory, the Junimos will undoubtedly appear.

Folk wisdom holds that the Junimos display some kind of resonant affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little huts...

Of course, all these claims come from dubious, unverified sources... As far as I know, even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven!

This Secret Note is meant to tip you off that, if you put a foraged mineral, gem, or geode mineral into a Junimo Hut, it will alter the color of the Junimos living there to harvest your crops. Generally, the Junimos will turn the same color as the stone you use.

Secret Note #25

Stardew Valley - ornate necklace, secret note 25

I 'borrowed' a necklace from Mom, but lost it somewhere near the bath house... She's going to freak out if she notices it's missing.

To find the lost necklace, go fishing in that tiny body of water just outside the Spa (as long as it's summer, spring, or fall). You'll catch an 'Ornate Necklace' and can then give it to either Caroline (you'll earn 50 friendship points with her) or Abigail (you'll earn 100 friendship points with her).

NEXT: Stardew Valley: Great Names For Your Farm